Change is inevitable. The processes used to manage most facilities and equipment two decades ago are no longer competent enough to do the same as efficiently in present day. Computers changed the way that facilities managers plan, schedule, and communicate across their facilities – as well as how assets are managed. Process improvement has become commonplace for every type of workplace and environment – a daily routine, an imperative. Therefore, the forward-thinking property manager is continuously looking into areas for process improvement.

Process improvement, in this case, refers to a systematic approach toward streamlining processes and eliminating activities that are non-value-added. In short, process improvement means making things better and more efficient within the facility, as well as for those who are charged with managing facility operations.

For the facilities managers in organizations or companies of any size, process improvement and implementation is relevant to information flow, warehouse layout, asset efficiency, and staff management. The benefits of process improvement include reduced labor efforts, improved warehouse design and layout, improved efficiency, reduced costs, improved service levels (especially in regard to response times for equipment servicing), and a reduction in certain types of inventory (especially consumables). More than anything else, process improvement creates a more efficient facility with less day-to-day management. Given that computers and software have greatly improved the facility management process, no discussion of process improvement at this time can be had without the inclusion of facilities management software. PropertyTRAK is one such software suite.

The PropertyTRAK software suite aides facilities managers in process improvement by creating a real-time connection between the manager, their assets, and staff. Armed with a comprehensive facilities management software suite, the facilities manager can then make strategic business decisions that help to improve facility operations, as well as increase productivity.

With a suite of software-based tools that allow for a greater level of management and control over facility operations, equipment maintenance, project management, emergency preparedness, communication, and reporting, PropertyTRAK allows facilities managers to not only accomplish many tasks from the comfort of their keyboard or mobile device – but to also assess each process and devise process improvements. The PropertyTRAK software suite, with its reporting tools, creates a top-down view of the properties, equipment, projects, contracted services, tasks, and events related to the facility. Complete visibility into the metrics that matter. This reporting allows facilities managers to assess each asset, service, or process, propose and implement changes, measure outcomes, and sustain a greater level of productivity. In the end, software-aided process improvement in the facility can benefit the company or organization by allowing most processes, maintenance, and management to be performed quicker, easier, safer, and at less expense.

PropertyTRAK is an integrated suite of desktop applications that was developed to help facilities managers in mid-sized to large companies to streamline operations and improve processes. To learn more about related facilities management topics, read the monthly blog articles here at PropertyTRAK.