When the facilities manager of a medium or large organization is able to leverage the power of work order management software, they are able to coordinate labor more efficiently, manage a variety of maintenance or construction activities across large premises, and supervise numerous work orders without losing track of assets or labor.

Before the advent of work order management software such as PropertyTRAK, the steady stream of paper work orders and last-minute job detail changes at a large-type facility could easily overwhelm a facilities manager and negatively impact his ability to provide proper supervision of many mission-critical physical elements on the premises.

In this highly-networked and computer-driven age, it’s not productive for a facilities manager to direct maintenance, service requests, and construction efforts with paper work order scheduling and tracking systems. These antiquated work order tracking systems don’t typically provide the kind of real-time work order supervision needed by the modern facilities manager. During periods of heavy activity, service quality is often highly dependent on the effective use of labor and the ability to respond to the changing wishes of the tenant or management. When labor dispatch details can change at a moment’s notice, paper is too slow.

The PropertyTRAK work order management software allows facilities managers to consolidate all work order traffic and associated notes in one easy-to-use system of desktop applications. Facilities managers who use the PropertyTRAK systems are able to quickly respond to work order requests from their tenants and easily assign in-house staff or outside contractors. The upshot is a greater level of work order management and a command of related labor resources.

Work order management software from PropertyTRAK, allows facilities managers to easily create and assign work orders. The software applications automatically route work order changes to facilities managers. Calls out to on-site or contract labor can be executed via text message or e-mail. The acknowledgment of work order acceptance is also instantaneous. Upon completion of the software-managed work order, your labor activity, supplies usage, and notes or observations, can be captured for complete analysis.

Additional Benefits of Work Order Management Software:

  • Quickly turn service requests into work orders
  • Access work order database over mobile devices
  • Track labor hours and supplies used for work orders
  • Verify tenant satisfaction with completed work
  • Analyze work order history and evaluate maintenance operations
  • Run reports specific to work orders and review staff performance
  • Track your own performance as a manager and ensure job security

With a contemporary facilities management software system to organize and manage work orders, the end result is a cost benefit to the building or facility and a higher rate of tenant satisfaction.