The experienced facilities manager knows that proper and regularly-scheduled equipment maintenance assures maximum life and peak operating efficiency for all premise equipment. At the same time, regularly-scheduled equipment maintenance guards against unexpected failures
that sometimes result in operational downtime for the company.

The equipment maintenance for a facility of any size can be a daunting task list that
dominates the annual work order docket. Companies and organizations of size depend on hundreds, even thousands, of pieces of equipment – from snow blowers that keep the walkways and parking lots safe for traveling, to the elevators that keep the business moving floor to floor.
Given the importance of routine equipment maintenance – for general upkeep, as well as to satisfy manufacturer’s guidelines on product warranties – there is a genuine need for planning, scheduling, follow-through, tracking, and reporting on each equipment maintenance job.

Fortunately, the equipment maintenance management process has been greatly simplified by the usage of Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS).

Streamlining Equipment Maintenance through the use of a CMMS Application:

  • Quickly create tasks for preventive or demand maintenance
  • Oversee numerous equipment maintenance schedules
  • Track maintenance costs
  • Generate alerts for upcoming maintenance tasks
  • List and track maintenance resources or parts
  • Ensure equipment is maintained within manufacturer guidelines
  • Log equipment maintenance notes
  • Generate maintenance reports
  • Guard against unexpected equipment failures
  • Reduce operational downtime

Above the many benefits of a CMMS program, the application helps streamline the maintenance process and ensure that each piece of equipment or physical asset receives the service it requires to operate at peak efficiency.

The PropertyTRAK CMMS application allows facilities managers to streamline the equipment maintenance and scheduling process. Whether the work is executed by the in-house facilities management team or through an outside vendor, the system manages all your equipment maintenance without sacrificing any aspect of vendor or staff communications, work order tracking, and reporting. The CMMS application also allows facilities managers to capture and control the flow of data coming from in-house staffers as well as third-party contractors. Each work order in the CMMS application tracks all related job data, allowing for the generation of comprehensive maintenance work reports and a full maintenance history for each
piece of equipment.

PropertyTRAK also captures key product information pertaining to each asset, including manufacturer, model, serial number, asset value, and warranty information.

PropertyTRAK is an integrated suite of desktop applications that was developed to help facilities managers in mid-sized to large companies reduce business processes and streamline operations. To learn more about related facilities management topics, read the monthly blog articles here at